Monday, December 29, 2008

Out with the OLD & in with the NEW

So... 2008 is drawing to a close and I am trying to figure out where the year went?! Is it just me or does anyone else think the years are passing by faster and faster? Possibly related to Global Warming? The El Nino Effect? Mad Cow disease? The fact I am now closer to 40 than to 30...?

Sigh.. the reality is that 2009 is just around the corner and as I look back and take stock of my life, or at least the last 360+ days... I know I am really blessed to have such a great family and amazing friends. If you are reading this, you most likely fall into one, or both, categories so thank you!

But ringing in the new year is more about looking forward and less about looking back. We should be celebrating and I've been thinking a lot about 2009 as it approaches but that also means I feel the weight of having to come up with resolutions for the New Year! You know, those grand promises we make ourselves with the best of intentions. For instance, in 2009, I will lose 10 pounds, eat healthy, save more/spend less, walk my dog every day, stop procrastinating... I'll work on my resolutions later...

But whatever 2009 brings us - I hope it is filled with much love, laughter and adventure for you and yours!

Happy New Year!
Love, Kathleen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brent Haugen here. Long time no see, talk to, heard from, etc.! Hopefully you remember me! I can't go to Six Flags, watch a Tech game, or see a Navy uniform without thinking about you and wondering how you are. I can't believe it's creeping up on 20 years since Freshman year at TT. time flies! Drop me an email at or I would love to "catch up" a bit.
Hope to here from you soon!